International Daycare

International Daycare

We are pleased to offer high-quality and diverse childcare services to international families. We opened our first international childcare center in downtown Tallinn in 2018. Our goal is to provide children with a safe and enriching environment where they can grow and develop alongside peers from various cultural backgrounds.

In the summer of 2024, we will open a new international group in Mustamäe, at the Tehnopol Science and Business Park. This modern and inspiring location will allow us to serve even more families and support children’s natural curiosity and love for learning.

English is the primary language used in our international childcare centers (with Finnish also being used at the downtown Tallinn location). Children's days are filled with thoughtful, child-centered learning activities, both indoors during morning circles and during outdoor playtime. Additionally, we offer daily developmental activities such as gymnastics, music, art, language learning, as well as an integrated self-regulation program and STEAM and digital education.