DigiLa 2.0 will be ready soon!
In the meantime, you can use the current DigiLa platform:

What is DigiLa?

DigiLa is an interactive learning platform. It provides the opportunity to analyze, monitor, and assess each child’s development as a whole. DigiLa takes a personalized approach to a child’s growth, considering their pace, strengths, and needs.
All of the child’s daily learning activities are visible on the platform: which skills were supported and how the child performed during the process.

What does DigiLa offer?

Personalized recommendations for your child

The smart environment analyzes the child’s learning path, completed activities, and progress. Based on this, DigiLa offers personalized recommendations tailored to your child’s needs for future activities. This provides you with the opportunity to support your child’s development more effectively.

Overview of Your Child's Learning Journey

DigiLa makes your child's learning visible. You can track curriculum progress as well as your child's knowledge and skill levels. Additionally, DigiLa clearly highlights your child's strengths and areas that need attention.

Wide selection of learning materials

DigiLa’s extensive collection of learning materials includes nearly 800 educational videos and activity plans for children aged 1 to 7. The materials are diverse and cover all areas of the early childhood education curriculum. Activity guidelines are 100% digitally accessible, making them convenient to use at home.

Every child can 
change the world

The first seven years of life have the greatest impact on a person’s future, as this is the period of the fastest development. During these formative years, fundamental behavioral patterns and habits begin to take shape, creating the foundation for the rest of life. Yet, at this age, we are too young to consciously influence or even remember many of the experiences that can leave an indelible mark on our future.
Therefore, a supportive and guided environment in early childhood is crucial. When we approach early education thoughtfully and systematically, it ensures a lasting impact on a child’s development and provides a head start for the future!


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What is DigiLa?

DigiLa is an interactive learning environment designed for parents and educational specialists of children aged 1-7. It allows you to track a child’s development and support their growth through personalized learning, based on their interests, needs, and abilities.

Have Questions?

Email: digila@digila.eu
Phone: +372 5695 6877
Address: Tuukri 11, Tallinn