Activity therapy

Activity therapy
Location: City centre, Home visit, Laagri, Mustamäe, Nõmme, Saku, Saue
Support Specialist: Helly Brügel
We offer a variety of support services and therapies to support children’s development and families. Appointments of a psychologist/family therapist, speech therapist, physiotherapist, special education teacher, and masseuse take place in various units of Väike Päike, and the child’s sleeping habits can be shaped in the gentle sleep school.
We also offer VIRTUAL COUNSELLING, which takes place at a pre-arranged time with a support specialist via a video call, using an application suitable for the client, e.g. Skype, Messenger, Viber, WhatsApp, etc. Virtual counselling is offered by the psychologist, special education teacher and the speech therapist.
You can read more about the services and locations below.